Tuesday, September 9, 2008

What have we been up to lately

Magical Stars Evening - You were all stars!!!

Waiting to run in the cross country

Here are a few more photos of what we have been doing in room 6. I have been trying out a new way of loading photos but the system seems to be against me so I am reverting back to the usual way! I will keep trying. Check out the children's individual blogs they have been working hard on them.


Anonymous said...

Hi there!
We are the bloggers of Cambodia, Phnom Penh! We are around 10 years old in age. Your blog has loads of pictures! Here is our blog website; ican6n.edublogs.org
Take care!

Anonymous said...

We are some of the girls in Yr 6n in Cambodia, Ican. We just wanted to say that we can't wait until we buddy up!

From Ana, Lucy and Emma

Anonymous said...

Wow, I can see that you guys have been really busy last term!
I hope you do lots of awesome learning in Term 4 :)